Top Datamyne Searches

New feature tracks trends in searches of our trade data Datamyne has added a new feature to its website home page. We’re listing the top “country,” “company,” and “product” searches by subscribers of our trade database each month, starting with July. Ranked by volume...

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Practical Tools

In Miami: Seminar equips food importers to meet CBP, FDA rules It’s become an annual event in Miami. This year’s seminar on importing food to the US, Practical Tools for Trade in the Food Industry, will be held Wednesday, September 7, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., at...

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Mexico Tweets

Ambassador to the US Arturo Sarukhan plugs benefits of NAFTA Over the next few days, Ambassador Sarukhan promises to deliver – via twitter – powerful examples of how trade with Mexico benefits the US economy and helps create US jobs. Here are some of the examples he’s...

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Japan’s Chemical Reaction

Trade data captures disruptions in Japan’s organic chemicals exports In our last follow-up on Japan’s triple disaster in March (“Gauging Japan Disaster’s Impact”), we quoted Port of Long Beach spokesman Art Wong on the repercussions for container trade: “Ships take...

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