South & Central America

Latin America Trade Data

Descartes Datamyne’s Latin America trade data helps organizations track trends, monitor competitors and identify importers and exporters, including company names and contact details.

More Coverage for Latin America Trade Data Than Any Other Source

descartes datamyne software showing latin america trade data

South and Central America presents some of the best opportunities for global businesses looking to expand their supply chains or build up market share. This is especially true for U.S. companies because of their proximity to the region.

The best source for reliable Latin America trade data is Descartes Datamyne, covering the cross-border trade of 17 LATAM countries – Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela, along with Caribbean markets – more than any other provider.

Accessible online via our import-export bill of lading database, it’s in-depth business intelligence that organizations can use to both enhance their competitive edge and supply chain resilience as well as support international growth objectives.

Data-Fueled Market Intelligence to Drive Growth Strategy

descartes datamyne software showing insight into latin america trade data

Drill Into Latin America Trade Data

Search shipment records and filter by HS codes, cargo descriptions, carrier and logistics information to lay the groundwork for a market expansion strategy or research trends and rank goods and commodities by country, volume and value.

Realize Clear Competitive Advantage

Our solution is powered by the world’s largest searchable trade database, covering global commerce of 230 markets across 5 continents, that allows users to discover current market and supply chain trends with a simple search.

Discover In-depth Business Insights

See where products like yours are selling – and who is buying. Track competitors’ cross-border activities, and identify and evaluate prospective customers and business partners, down to company names and contact details.


Descartes Datamyne™ unlocks the value of trade data for business by delivering the latest available import and export information. Content is delivered in a format that makes it easy to research and analyze for unique market insights. Our trade data resources set the industry standard for accuracy, reliability and comprehensiveness.


Markets, across 5 continents are included in our solution. Descartes Datamyne™ features the world’s largest searchable trade database. Gathered directly from official filings with customs agencies and trade ministries, our data is detailed, timely and authoritative.


Of the world’s import-export trade is covered by our data. Sourced from the trading nations of the Americas, Asia, Africa and the EU, Descartes Datamyne™  provides the business intelligence that companies need in today’s competitive marketplace.


Shipment records are added to our database each year. This includes an average of 60,000 US maritime import Bill of Lading (BOL) records added each day – 24 hours after receipt from U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP).

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