Identify U.S. Importers

U.S. Import Data

Descartes Datamyne’s U.S. Import data helps organizations spot supply chain trends, identify market opportunities and track competitors.

Identify Opportunities in Global Trade from U.S. Import Data

Descartes Datamyne helps organizations get the data they need to make informed decisions to maximize the success of their international trade potential in terms of enhancing competitive edge, strengthening supply chain resilience, and enabling growth.

Our customers benefit because they can access accurate and up-to-date U.S. import data from a single, integrated web-based import-export bill of lading database, helping them to research markets, monitor competitors and their trade chain partnerships, and identify new suppliers and buyers (sales prospects) down to company names and contact details.

descartes datamyne software showing us import data map

Watch a Quick Video of How Datamyne’s U.S. Import Data Can Help You

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Datamyne in Action

“The data on U.S. shipments is both comprehensive and timely, and we can react upon research results quickly. With so much competition, you must be fast. It’s difficult to imagine how we could have competed as effectively over the years without having quick access to such information.

Rob McInnes

Manager of Business Development, Port of Halifax

With Our U.S. Import Data, You can Uncover the Who, What, When and Where of U.S. Trade with the Rest of the World

us maritime inbound data

Access Current and Reliable U.S. Import Data

Our solution is updated with the latest, fully processed and verified trade data available. U.S. maritime imports are refreshed daily, with data available 24 hours after receipt from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

search trade summaries and trends by country port city state

Get Country, Port, City, State, County Summaries

Produce trade summaries and trends including volumes and values, top trading parties, and more. Combine this data with interactive maps, reports, and dashboards to enhance your own marketing, sales or other business and economic intelligence.

searchable global trade database

Realize Clear Competitive Advantage

Our solution is powered by the world’s largest searchable trade database, covering global commerce of 230 markets across 5 continents, that allows users to discover current market and supply chain trends with a simple search.

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