White Papers and eBooks from Descartes Datamyne
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White Papers and eBooks

2023 TOP 30 U.S. Port Report
Stay informed with the annual U.S. Port Report from Descartes, ranking 2023 Maritime Port performance and trends in a year that defied expectations.

Descartes Datamyne Customers Offer Their Perspectives
Descartes Datamyne is ranked by G2 as being among the best in global trade data and intelligence software solutions in terms of leadership position and in user satisfaction. This document provides highlights of what our customers are saying about us.

2022 U.S. Import Report – Analyzing 2021 Imports & the Impact of COVID and the Global Shipping Crisis
The Must-Read Guide on Import Trends & the Impact of the Global Shipping Crisis and the Coronavirus on U.S. Imports. As industries begin to work towards recovery from the pandemic and address port congestion, it is critical that they stay informed.

Top 30 U.S. Port Report – Analyzing 2021 U.S. Ports Performance & U.S. Import Trends
This must-read report analyzes the top U.S. ports and measures the total volume and values of imports entering the United States compared to previous years.

Global shipping crisis strategies of top performing companies
Global supply chains are struggling to secure inventories and beat port congestions. With latest figures pointing to the supply chain crunch continuing well into 2022, the situation for many organizations could go from bad to worse unless they have solid strategies in place.

Get the Essential Guide to Supply Chain Resiliency
As carriers and ports work through the global shipping crisis and the subsequent backlog, now is the time for you to invest in your supply chain resiliency.

U.S. Supply Chain Vulnerability Analysis – What President Biden’s Supply Chain Review Executive Order Reveals
There are real supply chain vulnerabilities affecting U.S. importers, especially in the key semiconductor, pharmaceutical, large capacity batteries and strategic minerals industries highlighted by President Biden in his Executive Order review on America’s supply chains.

Top 30 U.S. Port Report – Analyzing 2020 U.S. Ports Performance & U.S. Import Trends
The Must-Read Guide on U.S. Maritime Ports & the Impact of Coronavirus on U.S. Imports. As trade policy shifts, it is critical for businesses to stay informed on the impact these policies have on their industries.
Use Descartes Datamyne for International Market Research
Doing international market research can be complex and time-consuming. Find out how we can help you. Our customers choose us, because we deliver the best value in global trade intelligence.