Industry Insights

Trade Data for Global Retailers

Descartes Datamyne for Global Retailers delivers a complete view of international market activities across all major trade lanes

Simplified Search and Analysis that Reveals In-depth Trade Details

Retailers and importers can utilize our trade data to research their products and monitor competitors, while managing procurement, purchasing, sales, and marketing efforts. Market leaders can also further enhance their prospecting initiatives by identifying emerging international markets and opportunities.

Operations and supply chain managers utilize our trade data to map traffic patterns, shipment volumes and distribution hubs to enable more resilient supply chains, efficient routing and nimble inventory, and warehouse management.

Uncover Market Opportunities
Find New Suppliers
Benchmark Performance

Identify, Analyze & Vet Prospective Customers and Suppliers

Dig into the details of trade activities and access exclusive business profiles and contact information for both potential customers and new suppliers.

woman shopping in fully stocked wine section

Improve Supply Chain Resiliency

Monitor shipment volumes & cargo descriptions to identify potential disruptions and bottlenecks before they happen.

Stay Ahead of Critical Trends

Better understand both U.S. and global market movements and identify opportunities as they emerge.

Improve Inventory Modeling

Near real-time trade data allows for more accurate projections – improving inventory management and enabling more lean and efficient operations.

Find Out How the World’s Largest Searchable Global Trade Database Works to Give Global Retailers In-depth Business Insight

What Our Customers Say About Descartes Datamyne’s Global Trade Data

Our customers tell us that our online global import and export trade data solutions have helped them analyze supply and demand trends for their products, identify suppliers, generate sales leads, expand into new markets, strengthen supply chain resilience, monitor competitors’ cross-border activities, and more.

Descartes Datamyne makes the data easy to review and analyze. I love all the filters and tabs, and the clean new look that takes full advantage of the wide screen. Mining millions of records is made easier, and customers can immediately get to the answers they need.”

Sherry Wang

President, Green Wave Ingredients

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