The Curious Case of the Cactus Bar in Vilnius

The US consumes most of what Mexico produces, but global markets are demanding a share of tequila. BusinessWeek reports that Mexico’s distillers are primed to conquer the Chinese market, now that China’s government has ended restrictions that blocked imports of the...

CBP on the Prowl for Copycats

Are Those Red Bottoms Really Christian Louboutins? | by Peter Quinter, guest columnist. Haven't you ever thought – Are those Tory Burch flats real? Is that Coach tag attached to an authentic Coach purse? Are those boots really UGGs? Is that Michael Kors wallet a...

Buono Appetito!

US lifts ban on imports of Italian salami, pancetta, other pork products. America’s antipasti are about to get more varied and more authentic. The US Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) has announced the end of a 45-year-old ban on such pork products...

Suffering by Comparison

Spotlight on Pacific Alliance trade bloc casts unflattering light on Mercosur “While Pacific Alliance thrives, Mercosur withers,” headlines a recent Andres Oppenheimer opinion piece in the Miami Herald. The Pacific Alliance’s May 23 Cali summit, capped by an agreement...

Shrimp CVD Inquiry Yields Split Results

Two of  seven exporting countries studied are NOT providing countervailable subsidies; 62.74% duty for Malaysian imports. The US Department of Commerce has reported its preliminary determinations in the countervailing duty investigation of seven countries exporting...

CAFTA Q&A: Answers from ITA Part 2

Key to success in exporting to CA: market research, careful planning and preparation. Datamyne blog anchor Bill Armbruster’s e-mail interview with the Commerce Department’s International Trade Administration (ITA ) continues in this second installment covering Central...

CAFTA Q&A: Answers from ITA Part 1

Success story: US exports to CAFTA-DR partners have increased 79% through 2012. Datamyne blog anchor Bill Armbruster recently conducted an e-mail interview with the Commerce Department’s International Trade Administration (ITA). This first installment focuses on US...

CAFTA Cements US Trade Relationship

Unlike the Caribbean Basin Initiative, FTA doesn’t require renewal, gives preferential access to US goods - by Bill Armbruster, blog anchor. “You hafta have CAFTA,” was a mantra in trade circles during the mid-2000s as the Bush administration negotiated the Central...